Elegance Schmelegance

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This is the first problem from a 2005 International Math Olympiad page. The description here only partially matches the picture, but I'll explain.

Six points are chosen on the sides of an equilateral triangle \(\small\mathtt{ABC}\): \(\small\mathtt{A_1,A_2}\) on \(\small \mathtt{BC}\), \(\small\mathtt{B_1, B_2}\) on \(\small\mathtt{CA}\) and \(\small\mathtt{C_1, C_2}\) on \(\small\mathtt{AB}\), such that they are the vertices of a convex hexagon \(\small\mathtt{A_1 A_2 B_1 B_2 C_1 C_2}\) with equal side lengths. Prove that the lines \(\small\mathtt{A_1 B_2}\), \(\small\mathtt{B_1 C_2}\), and \(\small\mathtt{C_1 A_2}\) are concurrent.

I encourage you to draw a picture of the hexagon described in that problem statement, because I am starting here by drawing what you see above instead. I set point \(\small\mathtt{B}\) of \(\small\Delta\mathtt{ABC}\) at the origin on a coordinate plane and draw ray \(\small\mathtt{BA}\) (\(\small\mathtt{A}\) is not pictured yet) at a 60\(^\circ\)angle to the \(\small\mathtt{x}\)-axis. Side \(\small\mathtt{BC}\) will lie on the \(\small\mathtt{x}\)-axis, and \(\small\measuredangle\mathtt{B}\) must be 60\(^\circ\)(same with \(\small\measuredangle\mathtt{A}\) and \(\small \measuredangle\mathtt{C}\)) because an equilateral triangle has 3 congruent angles. I've also marked a position for \(\small\mathtt{A_1}\), which I've assigned the coordinates (\(\small\mathtt{x_1 , 0}\)).

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Let's make the first side of the regular hexagon, which has equal side lengths and equal angle measures. Each angle measure is \(\small\mathtt {\frac{6 - 2 \cdot 180}{6}}\), or 120\(^\circ\). I can shoot a line at a 120\(^\circ\)angle toward the \(\small\mathtt{y}\)-axis to form our first side, which I'll call \(\small\mathtt{s}\) (it's \(\small\overline{\mathtt{A_{1}C_2}}\) in the picture).

\(\small\Delta\mathtt{PBA_1}\) is a 30-60-90 triangle, which tells us that the coordinates of point \(\small\mathtt{P}\) are (\(\small\mathtt{0, \sqrt{3}x_1}\)). Line \(\small\mathtt{PA_1}\), then, has the equation \(\small\mathtt{y = -\sqrt{3}x + \sqrt{3}x_1}\), and the line that will form side \(\small\mathtt{AB}\) of the triangle has the equation \(\small\mathtt{\sqrt{3}x}\). The intersection of these lines, point \(\small\mathtt{C_2}\), is then at (\(\small\mathtt{\frac{x_1}{2}, \frac{\sqrt{3}x_1}{2}}\)).

Finally, we can run a vertical line up from \(\small\mathtt{A_1}\) to find \(\small\mathtt{C_1}\). From \(\small\mathtt{C_2}\), you can walk \(\small\mathtt{\frac{x_1}{2}}\) to the right to get to the same horizontal position as \(\small\mathtt{A_1}\) and up a distance of \(\small\mathtt {\frac{\sqrt{3}x_1}{2}}\) to get to the same vertical position as \(\small\mathtt{P}\). This is the exact same walk we would make from point \(\small \mathtt{B}\) to get to \(\small\mathtt{C_2}\), so we know that we're still on the side of the triangle. And it's the same walk in terms of distances that one would make from point \(\small\mathtt{A_1}\) to \(\small\mathtt{C_2}\), so we know that \(\small\mathtt{C_{1}C{2}}\) has length \(\small \mathtt{s}\). This means we also know the coordinates of \(\small\mathtt{C_1}\): (\(\small\mathtt{x_1, \sqrt{3}x_1}\)). It's probably also worth pointing out that \(\small\mathtt{x_1 = s}\). The equilateral triangle \(\small\Delta\mathtt{A_{1}BC_2}\) shows us this.

Bridge with the Givens

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Now we can use the givens to fill in the picture. And symmetry. That concept alone will save me paragraphs of writing. Since we can construct the right-hand side of this entire image using symmetry, I am able to easily give you the handy table listing the coordinates of all the points of the hexagon shown below.

\(\small\mathtt{A_1}\)(\(\small\mathtt{x_1, 0}\))
\(\small\mathtt{A_2}\)(\(\small\mathtt{x_1 + s, 0}\))
\(\small\mathtt{B_1}\)(\(\small\mathtt{\frac{3x_1}{2} + s, \frac{\sqrt{3}x_1}{2}}\))
\(\small\mathtt{B_2}\)(\(\small\mathtt{x_1 + s, \sqrt{3}x_1}\))
\(\small\mathtt{C_1}\)(\(\small\mathtt{x_1, \sqrt{3}x_1}\))
\(\small\mathtt{C_2}\)(\(\small\mathtt{\frac{x_1}{2}, \frac{\sqrt{3}x_1}{2}}\))

What remains is for us to show that the lines \(\small\mathtt{A_1 B_2}\), \(\small\mathtt{B_1 C_2}\), and \(\small\mathtt{C_1 A_2}\) are concurrent, or that they all meet at a point. And now that we have the coordinates of the vertices, we are left with the task of solving a system of 3 equations—or at least the task of showing that a system of 3 equations has a solution. I think we actually have too much information now, but that gives a lot of options.

Symmetry and Now Parallelisms FTW!

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Since \(\small\mathtt{x_1 = s}\), a walk from point \(\small\mathtt{B}\) to \(\small\mathtt{A_1}\) and then up to \(\small\mathtt{C_1}\) is the same as a walk from \(\small\mathtt{A_1}\) to \(\small\mathtt{A_2}\) and then up to \(\small\mathtt{B_2}\). So, lines \(\small\mathtt{AB}\) and \(\small \mathtt{A_{1}B_2}\) are parallel. Thus, the equation for line \(\small\mathtt{A_{1}B_2}\) is the same as the one for line \(\small\mathtt{AB}\) (\(\small\mathtt{y = \sqrt{3}x}\)) but just shifted to the right \(\small\mathtt{x_1}\), or \(\small\mathtt{s}\), units: \(\small\mathtt{y = \sqrt{3}(x - x_1)}\).

Similarly, the equation for line \(\small\mathtt{C_{1}A_2}\) is the same as the one for line \(\small\mathtt{C_{2}A_1}\) (\(\small\mathtt{y = - \sqrt{3}x + \sqrt{3}x_1}\)) but shifted to the right \(\small\mathtt{x_1}\), or \(\small\mathtt{s}\), units: \(\small\mathtt{y = -\sqrt{3}(x - x_1) + \sqrt{3}x_1}\).

Finally, the horizontal line \(\small\mathtt{B_{1}C_2}\) has the equation \(\small\mathtt{y = \frac{\sqrt{3}x_1}{2}}\).

If you can slog through that algebra, the point of intersection of those three lines is at (\(\small\mathtt{\frac{3s}{2}, \frac{\sqrt{3}s}{2}}\)). Whew!